Posted on August 16, 2021
by Eric Holter

Story-Empowered Website Platforms

Museums are chock full of stories. Every object in your collection is there for a reason. There is so much more to tell than can possibly fit on a wall placard. While space on gallery walls is limited, your digital platform has no such limitations. The only limits to telling digital stories are the time it takes to craft them, and the capabilities of your platform to express them. 

Time is a Constraint. Your Platform Shouldn’t Be

While time is always a constraint, your platform shouldn’t end up being the limiting factor keeping you from expressing your stories. Especially since there are so many stories ready to be told. Behind the scenes at your museum, curators, researchers, and historians are making discoveries, writing articles, and preparing exhibits. And so the lion share of your stories are already formed, most of the work is done. But with just a little more effort you could shape this valuable information into a digital form ready to be published to your museum’s website. Unfortunately, most museum’s websites aren’t prepared to bridge that gap. And so all this valuable work and so many compelling stories are never shared.

The Cuberis Framework

That’s why Cuberis has developed its flexible WordPress framework for museums. We have assembled a range of tools and plugins, and configured them for optimal continent expression for our museum clients. What’s more, since we’ve architected our framework using the latest and most flexible WordPress based products, a museum with our framework can readily extend its capabilities with very little additional development. 

As an example of our flexible platform, we’ve created a sample story that demonstrates some of the many tools available for story expression. It took some weeks for us to research and produce the story for our demonstration, but building the page itself, using our platform, took only a matter of hours.

So without further ado, please enjoy our story, Gustave Doré, His Engravings and His Engravers

And if you’d like to learn more about how we built it using our framework, just reach out and we’ll give you a behind the scenes tour of how such stories can be quickly deployed, setting your valuable knowledge and insights free, ready to be shared with the world. 

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