
Accessing Elementor

To edit a page with Elementor, make sure you’re signed in then click “Edit with Elementor” at the top of the page. 

Adding a Component

To create a new component, click on the folder at the bottom of the page. 

Then, navigate to the tab “My Templates”

Find the component you’d like to use, prefaced with “CMP” then click “Insert”. 

Finally, click “Don’t Apply” to avoid any design overrides. 

Navigating the Element Options

For each element there will be 4 different tabbed options: 

Content, Style, Advanced, and Visibility. 

“Content” holds any sort of content specific to an element. For example, a heading “Content” tab would hold a text box allowing you to insert your heading text. These options will be different for every element, and options can adjust the entirety of the structure of an element. 

“Style” adjusts things like color, typography, etc. 

“Advanced” will often be the same for every element, and it holds various different options like margin, padding, and width. Most of these options will already be prebuilt for the content. 

Visibility has to do with dynamic visibility and shouldn’t need to be used. 

Margin vs. Padding

Margin is adding space on around your container or element.

Padding is adding space within your container or element.

You can edit the margin and padding of any container or element under the “Advanced” tab. 




On the far right side of the screen there is a “Navigator” which can assist you in identifying and selecting each element and container. These are also often named so that you can easily identify which element or container is which. 

If that navigator is unavailable, locate the “stack of papers”  at the bottom-left of the editor screen near the “Update” button. 

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